
Further to our vulnerability research, our consultants are working around the clock to study and research new hacking techniques that may be used by unauthorized individual/malicious attackers to compromise the security of a network, system and/or software application. The results of our work are compiled in an authoritative report/whitepaper and subsequently published on the Internet with the intent to help organizations better secure their systems.
Moreover, our consultants are regularly invited to present their research work, speak on current security topics and demonstrate offensive and defensive techniques at leading industry events and conferences around Cyprus, such as Bsides Cyprus, Blachat USA and  the Cyprus Computer Society's Annual Open Hack Day Event and Computrain's Cybercrime Security Forum.

Advanced Idle Scanning

Pwning MDaemon

This presentation was part of an (ISC)2 and ISACA Cyprus Chapter joint event that took place on the 25th of September 2014. It introduces a number of novel ways and proof of concept tools for performing advanced idle scanning and revealing permissive firewall rules for trusted 3rd party networks/hosts. The research and demonstration work was the result of a collaborative effort between QSecure's Michael Nicolaou and independent researcher Demetris Papapetrou.

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Next level IT infrastructure
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© 2025, QSecure Limited.
© 2025, QSecure Limited.

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Head Office

109 Prodromou Str. (Office 101),
2064, Strovolos Nicosia, Cyprus

Dubai Office

Unit IH-00-01-01-OF-01, Level 01, Innovation One,
Dubai International Financial Centre, UAE

Contact Info
Ph: (+357) 22 150860
Phone number US - +1 (407) 308 - 0428
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